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Major Initiatives

Major Projects of MoST

1. Establishment of Centre of Research in Surface Engineering (CoRiSE), NUST, Islamabad

Total Cost: Rs. 1295.903 Million


The main objective of the project is to establish a one of its kind Centre of Research in Surface Engineering, in Pakistan that should focus on problem solving related to surface engineering of materials by developing and harnessing expertise of intellectual capital and state of the art technologies that will define socioeconomic landscape of the future. Specifically, NUST intends to establish a high-end research centre comprising of different cutting-edge technologies under one roof to boost research on surface engineering at NUST.

2. Establishment of Indigenous Research and Development Agency (IRADA)

Total Cost: Rs. 4850.140 Million


  • To address the Pakistan's untapped indigenous potential and effective utilization of in-house expertise and infrastructures, Indigenous Research and Development Agency (IRADA) is being raised.
  • To address the requirement of creating a central body, to undertake well deliberated projects / working in technology areas mainly derived from futuristic industrial and defence needs / requirements, involving extensive / focussed research efforts with potential usage in commercial and industrial domains.
  • To reduce trade deficit and bring stability to the economic turmoil’s, fostering self-reliance through Technological Knowledge Creation and Management.

3. Establishment of PAK-KOREA Testing Facility for PV Modules & Allied Equipment, PCRET - Local share: Rs. 185.80 Million to be funded through PSDP) KOICA Share: USD 8.00 Million (Rs. 1319.550 M)

Total Cost: Rs. 1505.350 Million


  • Establishment of Accredited Testing Laboratory to facilitate the introduction of PV standards for imported and locally developed PV modules in Pakistan
  • To improve the quality and curtail the import of sub-standard PV modules in Pakistan
  • To raise awareness of “Performance /Safety standards” in PV technologies/products among the masses; through Seminars/Conferences etc.

4. Up gradation of Medicinal Botanic Centre as National Centre for Herbal Medicine, PCSIR Labs. Complex, Peshawar

Total Cost: Rs. 286.000 Million


  • The main objective of the project is to establish National Center for Herbal Medicine (NCHM) at PCSIR Laboratories Complex Peshawar.
  • To upgrade research facilities according to WHO guidelines in the areas of:
    • Pharmacology & Animal House
    • Phyto-chemical Standardization
    • Process Development
    • Herbal Analysis
    • Microbiology
    • Biochemical Assays
    • Plant Tissue Culture
    • Botany
    • Science
  • To have qualified/expert manpower in high technology fields related to health/medical sciences

5. Launching of STEM in Pakistan, Phase-I

Total Cost: Rs. 993.784 Million


  • To officially launch STEM, the modern tool for promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education in Pakistan (in 50 HSS/Cadet Colleges in 1st phase).
  • To coordinate provision of specialized national and international capacity building programs on STEM education for science teachers and pedagogues.
  • To coordinate development, introduction and adoption of modern pedagogical tools & interventions for STEM including STEM framework/global best practices like IBSE/ LAMAP.
  • To equip our youth with meaningful learning through hands-on experiences, and improve their cognitive abilities.
  • To develop entrepreneurship skills amongst students through STEM education to make them job givers instead of job seekers.

6. Development of Computer Controlled Fermentors and Production of Biochemicals & Bioproducts

Total Cost: Rs. 1981.607 Million


  • Establish a design and manufacturing facility for computerized automated fermenters and associated equipment and systems for a variety of volume sizes that could be used by a wide range of facilities from lab pilot scale to commercial/industrial manufacturing.
  • Develop indigenous metabolic engineering capability in terms of R&D, design, development and subsequent commercial production of biochemicals, biopharmaceuticals and bioproteins etc.
  • Leveraging existing commercial activities, this endeavor could create and open up new vistas of biotechnology related businesses for the country, thus moving towards knowledge-based economic growth.
  • Develop and upgrade the existing essentially required facilities and infrastructure at PCSIR and ICC/ PAEC. Thus, providing establishment of national level integrated bio-processing infrastructure.
  • Build capacity by conducting trainings, workshops, seminars and research capability in advanced techniques in development of large sized computer-controlled fermenters/ bioreactors and biochemical production. Thus, providing technical services by utilizing indigenous resources and saving precious foreign exchange in future.
  • Produce local biotechnology industry needs for socio-economic growth of the country and associated spin-off technologies thereof.

7. Cultivation and Processing of Medicinal and Industrial Cannabis on Experimental Fields and Establishment of testing and product development facilities (PCSIR and Arid Agriculture University)

Total Cost: Rs. 1896.820 Million


  • To develop experimental fields/ land for cultivation of industrial cannabis.
  • To cultivate industrial cannabis on experimental fields and it’s processing.
  • To develop and validate analytical methods for testing of industrial cannabis.
  • To conduct research for product development from cannabis.
  • To provide state-of-the-art analytical services to the exporters and industry of cannabis products.